Add a Fire Pit For Those Minnesota Nights | MN Landscape Design
Fireplaces and Fire Pits

Add a Fire Pit For Those Minnesota Nights | MN Landscape Design

Minnesota can get cold; very cold, and stay that way for a good portion of the year. Many people will simply just stay inside, and wait out the winter before they start to go back outside and enjoy their backyard once again. What if it were possible to create a backyard that would help you

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Expand your Minnesota Outdoor Living Space – Add an Outdoor Kitchen!
Landscape Design

Expand your Minnesota Outdoor Living Space – Add an Outdoor Kitchen!

Kitchens are the heart of the home. Family members and guests always gravitate to the kitchen during meal preparation and entertaining. But, when spring and summer comes a cook can quickly find themselves very lonely in their kitchen while everyone is outside in the backyard. An outside kitchen can be beautiful, functional, and fun. An

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Designing the Perfect Garden

Designing the Perfect Garden

Many people go out to the local garden center every spring, purchase a lot of expensive plants, go home, and invest the labor to arrange their garden the way they think they want it, but somehow in the end, they are not happy with it. Somehow, someway, something was lost in translation. It looked great

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Beautify Your Minnesota Yard with Knock Out Roses

Beautify Your Minnesota Yard with Knock Out Roses

Knock Out Roses are truly a plant that lives up to its name; they are a knock out for several reasons. First off, they grow almost anywhere, all season long. Landscaping with Roses in Minnesota is always a treat, but when you can get them to bloom most of the season, with little to no

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