One of the joys of being a gardener in the winter is imagining what spring could bring to your landscape, planning changes here and there. That’s the beauty of gardens – they can be ever-changing, and it’s not that difficult to add a different color here and there, or introduce a completely new plant. Annuals are often used by gardeners to provide lush color, but there are beautiful perennials to consider as well. One of the nice things about including flowering perennials in your landscape is that with proper care they come back year after year, with no replanting involved.
If you feel like a corner of your garden is lacking something, or you’d just plain like to add something new, here are some gorgeous new varieties of perennials available this year. The colorful slide show and descriptions just might inspire you to make some changes. This particular flower is the ‘Pardon My Purple’ monarda. In addition to being colorful, monardas (also known as bee balm) attract butterflies and hummingbirds. This fuscia-purple variety is a treat, since most monardas are in the redder tones.
Perennials are a great way to add color to your landscape without the fuss of yearly replanting. If you’re wondering what perennials might work for your yard, please let us know. We love helping people bring their garden visions to reality!