Ideas to Light Up Your MN Outdoor Living Space

Now that the weather’s warming up, it’s time to start gearing up to enjoy the beauty of Minnesota nights. When the sun sets, there’s no reason why you have to end your outdoor activities.  The right lighting can give you lots of possibilities for entertaining after dark.

0427a1a16Check out these beautiful lighting ideas from Martha Stewart to help you light up the night. For those who like the contrast between water and fire, the article demonstrates an ingenious method of combining tinted water with candle holders. To add a more personal touch to events like birthdays or anniversaries, check out the picture frame trick for double duty center pieces.

These lighting ideas are casual and for the most part temporary.  If you’d like a more permanent lighting layout, we’ve got a variety of landscape lighting solutions.  And if you visit us on Pinterest, you can get even more inspiration. 

When it comes to hosting a gathering, or just enjoying your outdoor living space, it’s always best to make it your own. Creating an environment to fit your personality with lighting is a great way to do it, but for bigger jobs, our MN landscaping company can help you out. We’ll be happy to work with you to create the perfect look and feel for your yard.