If you enjoy cooking, have you ever considered establishing your own herb garden right in your own back yard? It was only about 60 years ago that many people still grew all their own food right in their own back yards. Before the era of the large grocery store chains, prior to the 1950’s, most of the country had Victory Gardens that provided food for their own tables every night. As the costs of living rise, and technology increases, some people are beginning to reconsider this romantic notion and look for ways to establish a small, low maintenance garden that can help suppliant their households’ needs. Finding a professional Minneapolis landscaper that is well versed in what to plant, and when, will help assure that whatever gardens you decide to take on, will flourish throughout the year.
What could be simpler than planting a few tomatoes, or a few rows of garden herbs that you can walk out and collect just before meal time? A good landscaper can even help you design a self regulated sprinkler system so all you have to do is enjoy their bounty. Recent advancements in horticultural technology have produced growing mediums that can be planted along with the herbs in order to minimize weeds, and keep unwarranted pests away from your garden so that the hardships of years ago are not such a great concern anymore.
Herbs such as basil, fennel, thyme and oregano are ones that are used very frequently, and can all be grown throughout the summer months with little to no maintenance.
While few of us have the time to work a field, and take in a harvest, creating a charming backyard grocery store can be a simple and rewarding experience, especially when prepared with the advice of a professional. Architectural Landscape Design in Minneapolis has an educated team of professional horticulturalists that love what they do, and look forward to sharing their experience with their clients. So don’t hire a bunch of kids on summer break, get the service of professionals to help you create a lasting space that you will be able to enjoy for generations to come. 952-292-7717