You don’t have to go away to a resort to find a peaceful place to be refreshed and recharged. With the right hardscapes and other landscpe touches, you might just find that getaway in your own backyard. Hardscaping – brick pathways, rock gardens, tiled patios – can be a beautiful way to turn your landscape into a relaxing paradise. Whether you’re looking to create a large, peaceful spot for a number of people to gather, or a quiet nook for just one or two, hardscapes can be combined with other natural elements to produce a look you’re drawn to and proud to bring your guests to relax. Here are some specific ideas you could add to your yard:
Water Features
Whether it’s a koi pond, a bubbling fountain, or a reflecting pool, a water feature is one of the best ways to bring a soothing, natural touch to any area of your landscape. Even a few strategically-placed birdbaths can produce the effect, as well as attract some feathered visitors. The size of your lot as well as its other permanent fixtures will somewhat control the scope of your water area, but even the smallest yard has a corner where a small fountain or continuous waterfall could be placed.
For larger ponds, add a wooden walkway or bridge. Perhaps a wooden bench placed nearby would encourage some refreshing mediation. Wood and water are a great natural combo. You can add other natural elements such as boulders or small rocks to border it, and don’t forget the plants and shrubs.
Walking Paths
Brick, pavers, or crushed rock pathways winding around your yard can lead visitors to restful spots. Imagine the delightful surprise guests will find as they travel through your garden along a path that ends in a swing tucked in among the trees and ferns! Walking paths are a great way to direct people around the different areas of your yard.
Paths can lead from your front door and direct guests to your outdoor kitchen or patio, and they provide a comfortable flow between your home and the outdoor rooms in your yard.
Outdoor Kitchens and Dining Areas
A sprawling patio with a full-fledged kitchen, or a fire pit set in a brick spiral surrounded with stone benches – either of these – as well as anything in between – can give you additional opportunities for outdoor entertainment. There is something relaxing about being able to cook and eat outdoors. Somehow being surrounded with natural elements just makes everything taste better!
And don’t forget strategically-placed soft lighting so that your yard doesn’t close up shop when the sun goes down. Light up your pathways, cast a soft glow on your patio, accent your favorite shrubs, cast a shimmering light on a water feature – outdoor lighting can do all this and more.
Don’t Forget the Small Touches
There are many smaller accents you can incorporate in your landscape to enhance that retreat feel. Don’t forget gazing balls, bird houses and feeders, built-in or free-standing planters, trellises, and arbors – any one of these might find a place in your yard.
The overall goal? Your landscape should have a unified theme that complements your home. You want your outdoor areas to be an extension of your house, not separate entities. That’s where a good landscape designer can come in handy. Finding the right hardscapes, plants, water features, and lighting and then bringing it all together into a harmonious scene is what Archictectural Landscape Designers is all about.