Rocks in the garden and throughout different areas of a landscape can make a large impact on the way a yard looks. It is also able to serve other purposes as well such as drainage issues to giving a more textured appeal. It sounds crisp when it is walked on and you can choose from many styles, sizes, and colors.
Decomposed Granite
This rock has been decomposed into tiny fragments and particles. You’re able to get it in a reddish-tan color, but eventually over time this color will fade to a tan. Patios and pathways that want to have a rustic appeal can benefit from decomposed granite. Add it around arid plants as a top dressing for more appeal. It is a more inexpensive choice and should be laid in small, thin layers.
Pea Gravel
Pea gravel is a small round rock. A large amount looks like peas placed together, but they can come in different sizes so they are not all as small as a pea. You can get them in brown, white, and tan mixes or the separate colors by themselves. They can be used when filling in flagstone or down pathways to provide a beautiful added touch. Some types of these gravels such as rainbow gravel can be more expensive than others.
River Rock
River rocks come in larger sizes than pea gravel, usually around an inch in circumference. These are best used to soak up and stop the drainage throughout a property or creek bed. They come in many different sizes to fit the specific area. It is a more expensive type of rock that is usually found for $100 to $700 per ton.
Crushed Granite Gravel
This is close to decomposed granite but is larger and heavier. You can use it in your walkways and patios to create a jagged, rustic look. It runs around $60 per ton and up, depending on the area that you’re purchasing from. A lot of times it can provide the texture that your garden needs to give it that edge to stand out.
Unique Hardscapes for Minneapolis landscaping is something that we can provide. Not only do we match the type of stone and gravel to the style of your home, but we consider many different things to ensure it is the proper fit for your yard. Look into some of the hardscape installations that we have done in the past for a better idea of our skills.
Architectural Landscape Design can design a pebble garden or other hardscape landscaping solution that’s custom-tailored to you and your Minneapolis area home.