
Category: Minnesota Landscaping Plants

Minnesota Perennials, Grasses, and Groundcovers For Uncommon Winter Interest

The average residential landscape uses minimal perennials, ornamental grasses, and groundcovers. This is unfortunate because while they are spectacular when in bloom, that show for woody trees and shrubs is usually limited to no more than a few weeks. In addition to their extended and sometimes repeating bloom cycles, perennials have the unique qualities of elegant winter interest when complementing evergreens and woody landscape plantings. They share these characteristics with ornamental grasses and groundcovers, some of which happen to be evergreen. Most important is that many perennial, ornamental grasses, and groundcovers have stems, seedheads, and foliage that partner with winter

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Minnesota Trees and Shrubs For Elegant Winter Interest

Minnesota landscaping for elegant winter interest consists of more than evergreen trees and shrubs. There are many beautiful conifers and broadleaf evergreens, but when you open your mind to the textures and colors of sturdy flowers, branches, and seedheads, you’ll discover more elegant and uncommon design opportunities. Deciduous trees and shrubs offer winter interest with persistent fruits, interesting bark and branching structure, colorful stems, and flowers capable of withstanding the full force of winter. Family Favorite Crabapple Trees The crabapple or Malus genus of ornamental trees are typically compact and suitable for providing winter interest. Apart from having breathtaking buds

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Popular Minnesota Trees That Homeowners Need To Know

Imagine investing in an asset whose value grows steadily over time, only to discover 8-10 years later that its potential was flawed from the beginning. This is what happens when the wrong tree is planted, or when healthy trees are planted on properties not suitable for them. Choosing trees that are right for you and your property requires a little homework. The first step is being realistic about your goals and the performance of the trees you have in mind. We believe nearly every shade, ornamental, and evergreen tree has merit. Some will last for decades or more, becoming majestic

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Know Where Value Lives In Hardscaping and Landscaping  

  Did you know that the landscape industry term hardscaping did not even exist until the early 90s, at least here in the United States? Back then, landscaping was mostly ornamental plantings. The most common hardscaping enhancements for homeowners were wooden decks because brick and stone supplies were limited, as well as the technical expertise for working with them. Since that time, our industry has seen an explosion of hardscape products that are easier to install. Now that material supplies are abundant, well-intentioned contractors and handy homeowners are taking on hardscaping work that was previously the domain of experienced tradespeople,

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Food and Function: 5 Benefits of Planting Fruiting Trees

Going apple picking with friends and family during autumn is a favorite pastime for many people. Picking your own fresh and healthy fruit is rewarding and fun. Have you considered planting fruit trees in your yard so that you can experience the same apple orchard fun at home? Many people don’t realize that they can grow fruit-bearing trees on their property or assume that the climate they live in wouldn’t be conducive to growing fruit trees. However, many different fruit trees can thrive in all sorts of environments. Could a fruit tree be the missing piece to your unique garden

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10 Ways to Use Planters in Your Pool Deck Design

So, you finally have your dream pool all set up and ready for use in your backyard. The water is crystal clear, cool, and beautiful, but now, what can you do to really ramp it up to the next level? What about some attractive poolside planters to accentuate an already outstanding landscape design? Planters are an excellent way to bring in a pop of color to your pool deck and add a bit of personality to your outdoor oasis. 1. Custom Planters For homeowners who haven’t finished installing a pool, custom planter boxes can be a great choice. Custom planters

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