
Category: Paths & Walkways

How to Hire a Standout Landscape Contractor

Landscape contractors are people, too. Due to this not so surprising observation, it is vital that we consider that all people are different when we decide to choose a landscaper to help us achieve our landscaping goals. Some people are annoying, a few are lazy, others are flakey, some people take too long selecting an orange which causes us to be late for our family dinner, and some people are hilarious. The point is, landscapers, like all people, offer us a variety of personality spectrums, and some of those spectrum ranges may grind our gears. Just because landscaping takes place

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Why Outdoor Lighting is the Key to Your Summer Get-Togethers

Warmer temperatures and sunshine, signal it is time to get outdoors. Summertime is great for hosting a barbeque, throwing an impromptu cocktail party, or spending quieter moments in your backyard. Strategically placed outdoor lighting transforms your home’s outdoor spaces at night. Outdoor lighting can create an ethereal experience for both family and guests. You can choose to install custom lanterns around your gazebo or pepper the winding walkway through your garden with LED lights. Investing in installing quality outdoor lighting increase your home’s attractiveness, and it also adds an extra layer of security. Outdoor lighting makes your home more visible

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Using Hardscaping to put the Finishing Touches on Your Yard

When most people think of designing their yard they think of the lawn. Another thing to look it is what hardscaping elements you can add. Hardscaping are the human-made features used in landscaping. For example, paths, walls, and patios. Achieving a balance between the plants and hardscaping will take your yard to the next level. Finding the Balance The most important aspect of designing hardscaping is finding the balance between hard and soft elements in your yard. Look at your entire space when choosing what features to incorporate. Leave whatever greenery you can. Choose materials that complement your yard and the

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Save Your Lawn with Path and Walkway Installation

What do you think about when you hear phrases like “landscaping,” “trees,” “flowers,” or even “vegetable gardens?” Hardscapes are the structural foundations of any landscaping design. Hardscapes preserve your lawn and garden and provide logical movement throughout your property. What Is Hardscaping? Landscaping has two essential elements, softscaping and hardscaping. Softscaping is the plant life if your landscaping design. Hardscaping is both flat surfaces such as walkways and driveways, but it’s also raised surfaces like retaining walls. Hardscaping provides visual cohesion to your design and tells visitors how to move through your landscaping. Imagine this: Your driveway doesn’t meet your

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5 Steps To Using The Natural Elements To Feng Shui Your Landscaping

Feng Shui is, to put it quite simply, the art of maximizing the good energy while minimizing the bad. Its focus is to help people live in harmony with their surroundings. The Chinese believe that the ancient art of Feng Shui-ing your landscaping will balance out the Ch’i, the animating force behind all living things. Using The 5 Natural Elements In Your Landscaping Design The five natural elements are the main components of Feng Shui – wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Landscape designs are often centered around these elements and are easily incorporated into the finished product. Wood Incorporating wood

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Using Big Stone Boulder Work to Create a Majestic Backyard

What makes South Minnesota landscapes so breathtaking? Some will say it is the beauty of nature surviving in harsh conditions. Some will say it is the unique mixture of rocks and plants. You don’t need to go on a hike to enjoy these sights. Boulder work makes these gorgeous landscapes come to life right in your backyard. Here are six ways to transform your backyard with stone boulder work. 1.    Create a Rock Garden Vegetation changes all year round. Add a constant element to your garden with some boulders or smaller rocks. You will have something to look at

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