Using Fire Rocks to Spark Your Backyard Pit This Summer

Lazy summer days and cool summer evenings fly by all too quickly, but thanks to ever-innovating outdoor accessories, residents can enjoy their backyards even after summer ends. One of the newest and most unique accessories to grab homeowners’ attention are fire rocks.

Fire rocks, as the name suggests, are manufactured “rocks” designed to be used with a fire pit or other fire element.

Beautiful Alternatives

Fire rocks are attractive alternatives to logs and can enhance the aesthetic of your outdoor space. They come in three different types: lava rocks, glass, and stones.

Each option can be carefully customized to your taste and unique needs and offers a crowning sense of peace and relaxation to your home’s outdoor area.

Eco-friendly Options

Fire rocks are manufactured and designed to withstand high heat. They do not create ash when they burn and do not release toxins, so they make an excellent option for people wishing to limit their exposure to unsavory chemicals or residues.

They are adaptable and used with many different fire elements, including pits, custom fire tables, and portable or permanent elements.

Adding fire rocks to your fire pit or element will increase its warmth, allowing you and your guests to benefit from the joy of a warm fire on a cool summer night. Fire rocks are simply beautiful, and add both an unexpected and soothing touch to your yard, sure to charm your guests.

Why Use Fire Rocks?

Fire rocks provide aesthetic appeal, but they are also an easy, economical investment in your mental health. These small, beautiful rocks require no cleanup, and getting your fire started takes no time at all.

Also, fire rocks require virtually no upkeep and will last indefinitely. All this means you’re free to rest, relax, and enjoy the company of your friends and family in an inviting, engaging space!

Choosing the Right Fire Element

The proper fire element design to house your fire rocks is important and should take into consideration your yard and house design, as well as local codes for fire pits and other elements.

You should also consider how you want to enjoy your fire element: do you plan on inviting guests to enjoy the cool summer evenings? Would you prefer to use fire rocks and a fire element as part of a private retreat? Would you like your design to be a focal point?

Which Type of Fire Rocks Should You Choose?

All three fire rock options have pros and cons. Lava rocks have a more primitive look, and allow for greater fire dispersion, thanks to the air channels created for gas to seep around. This type of rock, however, is not customizable; all customization must be done in the design of the fire element.

Glass provides much the same fire dispersion but has a much different look, which can vary according to the gas used (natural gas or propane), and the surrounding elements, light, etc. It is arguably the most dramatic and eye-catching of all three options and is much more open to customization. In fact, homeowners can choose from a variety of colors and sizes for a look that’s just right.

Stones are the most organic and natural looking but must be used with another medium as a base layer. Customization options are available but minimal.

Of the three options, lava rocks retain heat the least, thanks to their porous surfaces. Natural stones retain heat the longest and can radiate warmth long after the fire extinguishes.


It’s important to note that only specifically designed stones should be used as fire rocks. Natural rocks from rivers or your yard contain water, which can explode when heated. Fire rocks are also susceptible to added moisture; it’s important to store them in a dry environment.

Enjoyment for Years to Come

Fire rocks are a beautiful and compelling invitation to enjoy a cool summer evening, or a cold fall day. They are easy, economical investments in the functionality of your backyard, and enhance its enjoyability for yourself, your family, and your guests.