In nearly every situation in life, first impressions are a crucial part of our decision making process. When you own a business the first impressions of your customers are very important and an integral part of your success. This is why we strive as a company to make sure our staff is always genuine and our atmosphere inviting. Another important aspect is what our guests see as they enter and exit our business facilities.
One positive way to express our pride and appreciation for our customers is by making commercial properties inviting. We often decorate the outside of a business with decorative Midwestern plants and trees that are aesthetically pleasing. Midwestern plants show a sense of local pride and also offer many different benefits to the body, spirit and mind. The beautiful blooms, luscious scents and healing properties of our native Minnesota plants are sure to astound you and make you feel at home.
The sweet scent of calamondin, also known as miniature orange, is alluring and appealing to the eyes. The sweetly scented Roman chamomile is a native plant to the Midwestern region and does wonders at promoting relaxation and relieving stress. The brightly colored and scented plants also do an incredible job of attracting helpful honey bees, beautiful butterflies and interesting varieties of birds. These plants are native to the area and have adapted to the region; they can handle the fluctuating temperatures, once the last frost is complete of course.
Planting native varieties offers you a number of benefits. They are used to growing in the area, so you will have less trouble cultivating them throughout the season. Native species generally require much less maintenance in terms of watering and fertilizing. And these plants offer many benefits for your health and are great stress relievers. You will love all of the beautiful butterflies and birds that are suddenly attracted to your property. If you are a business owner, choosing to add certain plants to your landscape can possibly gain you customers who are attracted to businesses with a high “green reputation.”
Adding plants to your business landscape is a great positive decision that can be made easier by hiring a MN landscaping company. Here at Architectural Landscape Design we provide quality design and installation service with competitive pricing. Please give us a call with any questions – we can custom design commercial landscaping to make your place of business a welcoming spot!