Why Not Use Masonry for an Enjoyable Mpls Landscape Design?

The sky is truly the limit when it comes to landscape design, because there is such a wide variety of elements, materials, plants, and other features to work with.  There are many different types of materials that people use in their landscape designs. Stonework (masonry) is one of those things. There has to be some sort of distinction however, when it comes to having masonry done in the landscape design to truly make it look as good as it can be. Depending on the specific structure, what is located around it and how it should be laid out – the planning process can be grueling. Masonry flat surfaces can also be referred to as hardscapes.

Popular Choices for Landscape Stonework

nov1104j9Retaining walls, walkways and patios are high on the list of what is popular when it comes to stonework. Retaining walls can be more expensive than the other choices due to the fact that they require a lot of materials compared to other projects, but they are often an ideal solution for an irregular landscape or for properties with steep slopes.  Retaining walls can take on just about any size or shape, however; they can be installed as short walls to create an outdoor room, or they might be taller structures that run almost the length of the property to deal with sloping terrain.

Flat hardscapes are another great place for masonry.  Whether you want walkways around your home, a patio to relax on, or an outdoor kitchen for warm-weather cooking, laying masonry can give you the foundation for a great outdoor space. But keep in mind that there there is a lot of designing and site preparation needed for walkways and patios, just as there is for retaining wall installation.  Once the design is developed, the area is going to have to be graded and leveled. A base such as sand is often laid down to smooth the area out and then the stones are cut to shape and fitted in their specific spots.  That’s why when thinking of adding any type of masonry to the landscape, a professional landscape design architect is recommended.

Design and preparation for masonry work on your property can be time-consuming, and unless you’ve got a lot of expertise yourself, it’s best to have your project handled by someone who knows more about the process. By giving Architectural Landscape Design a call, you’re able to take the hassle out of doing this all yourself and work with someone who’s experienced in the design and installation involved with hardscapes for Minneapolis area properties.