Are finances keeping you from bringing your landscaping dreams into reality?
When the economy is tight and you do not have much to work with, you have to consider the many ways you can still make your property look its best. When you own a business, the landscaping is often the very first thing your prospective clients and visitors are going to see. When the outside of the business looks just as nice as the interior, it invites everyone inside for a better look. This brings more business your way, hopefully increasing your budget for landscaping that can be done in future years.
The way that water comes and goes from a site can be a big consideration. If you’re paying for the sprinklers to go off to water the plants and lawn, you may be able to save some money by installing rainwater collecting equipment to use for watering. Some municipalities even offer rebates for installing a system like this so you can save additional cash.
Mulching can provide the most significant change for the amount that you spend for both watering and maintenance. It is also one of the best ways to provide nutrients and hold water on the plants and other shrubs throughout the area. It also suppresses weeds, so that means less needs to be spent on weed control. To cut on the costs of mulching, consider only mulching the most commonly seen areas, such as the front of the building only.
Is your sign getting the right kind of attention, or is it a poor reflection of your business? Replacing a sign altogether can be costly. Instead, consider adding some beautiful additions around the bottom of it. Boulders, flowers and other nice ornamental additions can make all the difference when trying to spruce up the look and feel of the yard.
Seasonal Color and Containers
Container planting can be one of the most cost effective ways to advertise yourself. Adding brightly colored flowers around the outside of a site can bring in prospective clients and customers to the area. Going with colors that are aligned with the seasons is also an ideal way to go about choosing which ones are going to add the most pop for your buck.
Keeping up on the landscape maintenance is always important to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward. Handling any problems in your exterior area, before they become too big, can keep your landscape in the best shape possible. Regular landscape maintenance is more cost-effective than damage control.
Don’t think of landscaping as a cost – it’s an investment in your business. Here are other ways that landscaping can make your MN business boom.
In short, here at Architectural Landscape Design, we’re available to help you so all of your landscaping management can be more cost effective. In addition to landscape design and installation, we also offer a variety of commercial landscaping maintenance packages.