
Avoid Water Problems: Shape Your Yard After Building A New Home

Newly constructed homes are often finished with yards that are flat or have steep slopes. A flat landscape can be subject to drainage problems that can lead to basement water problems or lawn areas where grass has a problem growing. A steep slopes can be hard to maintain and not usable for outdoor living or recreation. If your yard is flat you can make it visually appealing by building landscape berms. If you have drainage problems you can eliminate them with a variety of solutions. Yard shaping projects should be done first before you get to decorative landscaping. Because if

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Add Landscape Pizzazz with Garden Structures: Fences, Trellis, Gazebos, Arbors

If you want to add some landscape pizzazz to your yard nothing beats knockout flowering shrubs like hydrangas and annual and perennial flowers! But, to set off the plants and give your garden some shape you’ll need some garden structures. A partially enclosed garden structure can be a refuge and provide shade during the day and a quiet respite at night. Fences and trellises can be used to create seperate outdoor living rooms in a backyard. Low wide walls made of natural stone or concrete can provide seating. Spas or hut tubs, outdoor kitchens, decks, or a series of decks

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Stone is the Best Outdoor Material for Minneapolis

Using natural stone has numerous benefits as a building material, distinct from the sometimes less expensive, or more accommodating man-made materials. Unlike synthetic building materials, stone will not break down over time or decompose anytime soon. While it can be difficult to manage, once fit into place,  it will last for generations, and give the mark of distinction to everyone who visits. While stone will cost a little more up front, but you will recover these costs with the zero-maintenance that comes along with it. Even if you decide to redesign the living space sometime later, you can still reuse

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Bees in Minnesota? What Bees?

 Exactly. What bees? Few have noticed but there is a fairly serious shortage of honey bees in both the United States and Europe, like we have never seen before. With the advanced use of pesticides, and sprawling urban development, people are killing them off faster than they can repopulate themselves. This condition has reached such epic proportion that the horticultural industry has labeled it Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). It seemed to start in the winter of 2006, when bee keepers reported seeing abnormally high losses in honey production. Penn State’s Entomology Department has been studying the issue ever since. There

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Do You Have Problems With Your Soil? | Architectural Landscape Design MN

Great soil makes great gardens and lawns. Rich soil that has good drainage and consistent moisture results in healthy lawns and plants. Gardens or lawns that quickly dry out most likely have soil problems. Even the healthiest plants and sod won’t flourish without good soil. All plants depend on it  for their water, nutrients, and oxygen. Soil is composed of 50% solids; sand, silt, clay, and organic matter, and 25% water, and 25% air.   A quick test to determine how good your soil it to take a handful of it, compress it into a ball in your hand, and

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Outdoor Landscape Lighting Minneapolis Style

Night time lighting is one of those garden features that few people pay attention to, but once they see a good display, everyone wants one. Why do we have to wait until Christmas to light up our yards? Properly placed spot lights, up-lights, and floods will illuminate all of nature’s beauty, each their own unique way.  The dew in the morning will take on a personality of its own; an evening shower will perform a chorus and dance that you would otherwise never see. Animals that you knew were out there will not become part of your family. By utilizing

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