Adding Value to Your Property with Carpentry and Landscaping

Although you may love your home right now and don’t have any plans to sell or move any day soon, you never know when the perfect job may come along or if that “dream home,” you pass every day after work, finally goes up for sale.

When you put your house on the market, there are many things to consider, when increasing the value, such as updating appliances and other features, but little do many Minnesotan homeowners know that landscaping can add value to any home. Here are some ways that you can add value to your property with carpentry and landscaping:

The Value of Landscaping

Think back when you first purchased your property, what was the condition of the landscaping? If it was good, was it a selling point or if it was bad or non-existent, did you almost not buy? Some prospective buyers have landscaping on their “must haves” list while others don’t care much about the outside of the property. Either way, landscaping, and carpentry aren’t likely to hurt the value of your property. According to some experts, certain landscaping features can increase property value by nearly 30%, but a lot depends on what type of landscaping.

Trees on Your Property

If you moved into a home that had minimal tree coverage or you had a house built in an area where there are few trees, start planting some as soon as you are able. Trees take some time to get established and even if you aren’t planning on selling within the next decade or two, mature trees are more attractive than saplings that need attention.

Selecting Trees

Trees not only add value to a home, but they also help reduce a home’s energy costs and reduces carbon dioxide (a factor in climate change). When choosing trees for your property, it’s fine to choose a few ornamental trees, but think carefully about whether or not to plant a fruit tree or anything that may have toxic berries. While these types of trees may be useful and beautiful to you, they may be a deal breaker for prospective buyers. Instead, choose something easy to care for, yet popular, such as a Dogwood or Red Maple.

Plants and Flowers

Plants and flowers are essential to many landscaping projects. When selecting flowers and other plants, it’s important to consider maintenance. Even if you have a “green thumb,” a prospective buyer may not and he or she might feel overwhelmed by an elaborate flower garden. You can still have landscaping that looks lush and “complicated,” but consider landscaping with native plants that require little to no upkeep and thrive through all of Minnesota’s seasons.

Other Landscaping Features

Landscaping is more than just putting some decorative edging around your flower beds and planting a few trees. There are many features you can have added to your property that will increase your enjoyment, as well as the functionality and value of the property:

Outdoor Lighting: Outdoor lighting can prevent trip and falling accidents, deter burglars, and make your home more welcoming at night. There are many lighting options on the market, and it’s a good idea to consider lighting problematic areas around your property.

Walkways: A regular concrete sidewalk can be boring and require too much removal of the yard, but a narrower walkway made of an attractive, durable material like stepping stones or pavers can protect the lawn.

Fences and Walls: A privacy fence or wall can add value to your property, but a lot depends on the interests of prospective buyers. Rather than putting up a chain link fence, consider one made of stone or wood. It will be attractive and functional.

Porches, Patios, and Decks: Many homeowners love to have a space to gather with family and friends or a quiet spot to relax. Porches, patios, and decks are good examples of carpentry that can increase property value. Although many property owners attempt to build these gathering spaces with a weekend DIY project, they are better left to a professional contractor who can ensure they will last a long time.

Raised Garden Beds: Much like retaining walls and other garden spaces, raised garden beds are a simple carpentry project that can add value to a yard. Many homeowners love to garden but are overwhelmed by the idea of tearing up ground. A raised garden bed is attractive and an easy space to garden in and maintain.

Although there are many ways to increase the property of your home through landscaping, it’s important to choose features that you, as the homeowner, can enjoy while you live in your home. Don’t plant trees or choose landscaping features that are unappealing to you with the hope that they will increase the value of your property.