As spring begins, perhaps you’re thinking about a new garden design for your yard this year. Is something holding you back from pursuing your landscaping dreams?
Maybe you’ve never had the garden of your dreams because you don’t think a garden fits in with your landscape layout. It’s possible that you’ve admired the elegant gardens on the properties of other homes around you but have never considered that yours could be as beautiful simply because your yard does not contain soil as conducive to the growing of lovely plants. Or perhaps your yard is uneven and there doesn’t seem to be a good spot for a flower bed. Perhaps you’re getting older or have physical challenges that make gardening difficult.
There is a way to get around these seemingly insurmountable problems. Raised bed gardens often work where no other layout will. And they can be used for cutting flowers, foliage, perennials, and even vegetable gardens.
In a previous post we discussed some basics and benefits of raised bed gardening. On the pro side is the control you have over soil. This basically means that even if you don’t have ideal soil in your yard — if, for example, you are stuck with challenging, sticky clay — there may indeed be hope for you and your garden.
Raised beds are growing in popularity. But the control they offer over your garden’s soil is only part of the reason. The other is that raised garden beds, when properly installed, can go a long way to help create a truly stunning landscape. Here are a few other factors as well as some helpful hints for successfully maintaining a raised garden:
- Weeds are easier to control
- Stops grass from invading
- Raised bed boxes can be used to define outdoor rooms
- Garden tasks are easier on the back
Having a garden that is raised and therefore a few feet off the ground can save a great deal of strain on your back. We find that our older clients like this – it makes maintenance easier.
Covering your raised garden with an inch or two of mulch will greatly reduce the number of weeds in your garden. And having a raised bed will prevent nearby grass from invading your garden.
Perhaps the most helpful advice that can be given on this or any garden-related topic is that MN custom landscaping can work for you regardless of what kind of yard or garden you happen to have. This is why working with us at Architecture Landscape Design is the best move you can make. Get in touch with us today and we will help you reach all of your landscape and Minnesota garden design goals! 952-292-7717952-292-7717.